Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Played hooky today...well, not really...been having sinus problems so I thought I had better see a doctor if possible. Funny, though, I called and Mae said, "Can you come right now?" I said, "Can I take a shower?" She said, "No, come right now!" So, I splashed my face, sniffed under my arms, brushed my teeth and took sweats and all. She told me later that they had had two no-shows and otherwise they were booked solid the rest of the day. I will just make sure I have had a shower before I call the office again...LOL.

Kind of got on my soap box in the doctor's office. After she diagnosed (sinus infection) and prescribed (shot, antibiotic and new antihistamine), she asked my opinion about reading instruction. Her son is in the last part of kindergarten and not receiving enough reading instruction, in her opinion. Come to find out, this school does Accelerated Reading in KINDERGARTEN!!!!! I come. I gave her my theory...that AR is meant only as a motivator and a whole lot of teachers, in their crunch for test scores, etc. are using it as a strategy and/or program. I think AR is NOT meant for lower grades...should not, as a matter of fact, be used until about 5th grade, when interest in reading is waning in some students. She and I talked for about 20 minutes and I hope I gave her some constructive feedback on what to do about her son.

The shot is kicking in, feeling some better...of course, about four naps with the cats today helped, too.


  1. Ann, I agree with the AR. MY experience is that the AR program has turned many kids against reading. I hope you get to feeling better soon. It looks like we all will be home tomorrow!!

  2. I see that "our boys" are showing us their usual good side!!

  3. Yes, Carol, you are right. And so many of those kids actually enjoy reading before AR, then since it is a "have to" read, they are turned against reading in general. I don't know when educators and administrators will realize this.

  4. LOL, is just to weird to post a comment to your comment when you are lying in the bed right behind me!!!!
